Tattoo Info;
G, The symbol that look like a G stands for all initials within my family, my big sister T, my big brother C, my little sister J, Myself I and our family name G. Its a symbol that I drawn and has became a strong Family symbol for me, its the band who sits within my family, the importance of my siblings and our lives itself.
Viam inveniam aut faciam, is latin for "I shall either find my way or create it" something that has become a big part of me and my way of life, after moving out as a 16year old girl and stand on my own feet, to find my way or as I feel more today that "I create it."
Omnia mea mecum porto, is latin for "All that is mine, I will carry with me" is a quote that Cicero ascribes to Bias of Priene, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, is said to make the statement during the flight away from his hometown. A strong quotes that I can relate to myself and my story, "where ever I go I go with all my heart and carry my memories within me".
Dum Spiro Spero, is latin for "While I breathe I hope". A quotes that gives me hope that one day my parents will be FREE from alcoholism.
Flower & Leafs, Meaning of Life itself.
Tattoo Artist; ISSA
Instagram; @issapointblank
♥ Dum Spiro Spero ♥
Latin; As long as I breathe, I Hope
"Addiction is a Family Disease..."
"One person may use, but the whole Family is suffer."I had just turned 16years old, it were 2001 and I had just left home for take my first step on my own. I had just started High School, a school on an island, far away from family and friends where I had to live in my own space, to create new friends and to create my own life. I wasn't like every one else, I was a teenager with dreams, with an hunger for life and a hunger to see whats was hidden behind the walls of my home town. My big sister had in the same time left for a year abroad as Au Pair in the United States and my parents had just sold off their big house that my dad build with his own hands. There was a lot of new changes in our family happening but the biggest change happened when my mum got the news she got Breast Cancer that year. I remember receiving the news like yesterday, I were sitting in the car with my dad after picking me up at the station for spending my first weekend home in their new house. I remember he told me the news with tears in his voice, it were an awkward silence in the car and I didn't got any words out myself, just feeling of the weight from a stone in my stomach. Me and my father is both fish, I know I got many of his personal qualities and sometimes theres no needs of words between us, this was a moment like that. We were both sitting there in silence with tears on our cheeks. I remember I arrived to their house and my mum were standing in the strawberry land reflecting for herself, I just walk up to her and laid my arms around her and she opened her heart and let all her tears out and said to me "all will be fine, I will fight this".
Since that day a fight against Cancer began in our family. A fight against Cancer who would turn into a Alcoholism addiction less than a year after. Why did my mum got Cancer from the beginning? thats a question I been asking myself and I think... After she lost a close friend and also her dad in Cancer years before, she always been walking around with the worries inside her that it may happened to her as well. Instead of thinking positive and be happy she was always worry about getting sick as well. I think sometimes she may created this herself, her bitterness and worries, by being in a negative spiral of life, there is much easier to create stress and grow diseases and addictions than in living a healthy life full of positive thinking and positive vibes. Something myself also been experiencing in later years.
The worse thing that happened was that she start comfort herself with alcohol during this time, the alcohol itself wasn't the worse, the worse was what she became from it. My parents has always like to take a glass or two, they have always like to invite friends for big parties during our childhood, and my mum have always have difficulties to handle alcohol and the amount of it. Theres been several of moment during our childhood where alcohol was involved and the result of it destroyed their relationship with their friends. I think there was a lot of jealousy behind my parents and there friends and when they were drinking together the hell broke out. The most sad things was that we kids got affected and suffer from this, our parents brook not only their own relationships between each other, they also destroyed ours, just because of their behaviours when they were consuming alcohol. Base on all stories from the past with the broken relationships with friends, intrigues and betrayal, my mum start to use this as a never ending subject during the periods when she was drunk in her later years when she created her addiction. She was on sick-leave for over 3 years and more than enough time to create an deep addiction and hate/love to alcohol. She needed something to release her pain with but what she didn't know was that she had create something more worse and something that would break us as a family apart. She created a life long fight for winning back the family she lost and once have, or did we ever had it...? today I'm not so sure about it while taking time of reflecting about it, but something that I am sure of is that I know is that me and my siblings are stronger TOGETHER more than ever and that I don't want to create a future base on addictions, to create a family based on something that could hurt or harm my loved once ❤
// Isabell
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